Absolutely Literate

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

WORKSHOP ANNOUNCEMENT: UNLOCK YOUR FAMILY STORY: Sharing Your Family's History (Online and In-Person Learning

Is your family story locked in your accumulated documents and trees? Does your family ask for the stories? Then it’s time to pull it all together and publish that story! Participants engage in 14 hours of workshops and discussion facilitated by Brenda L Smith and Andrea Lister through Island Mountain Arts in Wells, BC. 

Topics include: identifying the audience; choosing the right format; reviewing research, putting words on the page; editing; legal necessities, and assignments to get started. Working with their own materials, and supporting each other, participants discover how to move from gathering information to creating a publishable product. Participants will set goals for their research, organize and evaluate their data, and practice packaging their family story.

UNLOCK YOUR FAMILY STORY is taught in a collaborative manner in which participants present their writing samples to classmates and share evaluation of each other’s work. The course goal is to promote development of the skills necessary for writing non-fiction from a family history point of view. Course materials support learning by providing background and course content reading, and assignment descriptions. The course is designed for intermediate level research experience, including understanding of cooperative evaluation training and the Genealogical Proof Standard. A large part of each class will consist of sharing and peer evaluation.

Add-on: Monday, May 22, 2023, a one-on-one, 20-minute appointment with the facilitators. In-person only. Get the PDF  to fill out and submit via email here: One-to-one consultation form

Island Mountain Arts offers scholarships and bursaries for our programming

Find details about appropriate scholarships and fill out a request here: http://www.imarts.com/scholarships-bursaries



Monday, February 20th, 2023 | Early Bird Registration Deadline

March 22nd, 2023 | Scholarship Deadline

April 8th, 2023 | Registration Deadline

April 26th, 2023 | Family History Consultation Registration Deadline

REGISTER through Island Mountain Arts

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