Absolutely Literate

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Genealogy Selfie Contest

2nd Great Grandmother Julia Grossman, 1923 and Andrea, 2014.
I found this on Olive Tree Genealogy and it sounded like fun. Enter Gould Genealogy's Genealogy Selfie Contest for a chance to win a  Conversion Pack (Video Converter and PhotoMaker X4 slide/negative scanner) from Kaiser Baas.

Do you have a selfie of yourself doing something genealogy related? Maybe with your family history group or sorting through family pictures? Grab your phone, take a selfie.

Post it on Gould Genealogy's Twitter Account, Facebook Page or Google + page.  Details are at Genealogy Selfie Contest.

Have fun.

1 comment:

  1. They announced the winner today and suprisingly it was me. Thank you Gould Genealogy and Kaiser Bass. http://www.gouldgenealogy.com/2014/05/genealogyselfie-and-the-winner-is/


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