Absolutely Literate

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Vol 43.3 heading to press

I am excited about this issue, some changes to layout, some new features, articles by friends, images from all around BC, what more could I ask for?

Maple Ridge Soldiers in the War to End all Wars by by Annette Fulford
A Short History of the Canadian Navy by Gerald W. Pash; Edited by Ron Hyde
But I’ve Got Two Homes Now” by Brenda L. Smith
The Liquor Control Board and the Moderation Act — 1921 by Ron Hyde
Vignettes of Powell River by Ronald Greene
Archives & Archivists by Lara Wilson; edited by Sylvia Stopforth
Book Reviews
Cabinets of Curiosities

Check out our page on the British Columbia Association of Magazine Publishers website.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Design a brand

Are you a designer? Then I have a contest for you.

The British Columbia Historical Federation (BCHF) is an umbrella organization with over 190 members comprising historical societies and sites, museums, archives, etc. representing approximately 24, 700 individual members with the common goal of the preservation and promotion of British Columbia' history.

The Federation is looking for a logo to be used on letterhead, the website, its publications, conferences, and so forth.

The logo contest is open to all residents of BC.

Entrants to supply:
  • artwork and explanation of what the logo reflects or represents
  • short bio of entrant
  • PDF of entry (winner should be able to provide scalable vector art)
to newsletter(at)bchistory.ca

Copyright of the winning logo becomes the property of the BCHF. A picture of winner and writeup will be used in its newsletter, journal, website and other announcements.

Prize: $500 honorarium, 1 year subscription to British Columbia History, an an award certificate

Deadline: November 1, 2010

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