I am excited about this issue, some changes to layout, some new features, articles by friends, images from all around BC, what more could I ask for?
Maple Ridge Soldiers in the War to End all Wars by by Annette Fulford
A Short History of the Canadian Navy by Gerald W. Pash; Edited by Ron Hyde
“But I’ve Got Two Homes Now” by Brenda L. Smith
The Liquor Control Board and the Moderation Act — 1921 by Ron Hyde
Vignettes of Powell River by Ronald Greene
Archives & Archivists by Lara Wilson; edited by Sylvia Stopforth
Book Reviews
Cabinets of Curiosities
Check out our page on the British Columbia Association of Magazine Publishers website.
I*t's almost time to celebrate Canada Day, July 1st! *
Canada Day at Kits Beach, courtesy of Christopher Porter, Flickr: CC
By-NC=ND 2.0.
I've decide...
5 months ago